Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pune University - MLIS Students

I spoke yesterday to the Library Science Masters students at Pune University about what I think are the key themes of public librarianship and also about career management. This is the framework of that talk and yes - the post is out of order but I wanted to get this structure up while its still fresh.

Who am I

  • One of the librarians who worked on developing Koha 1.0
  • A librarian - not a developer
  • A perpetual student

Key Themes as I see them

  • Public servants: service, know your community / audience, tailor for that community, meet their needs but also inspire and delight
  • Connections and collections are important: 3rd place, living room of the town, sanctuary, events
  • Creation and consumption: not just taking content eg books but creating too eg makerspaces, 3D printers, digitisation and recording tools
  • Onsite and online: should be equally quality experiences
  • Lifelong learning: print and digital literacies
  • Partnerships and participation: works in collaboration with others, doing things with community not to or for them, help others achieve their goals
  • Telling our story: promotion and marketing crucial, to public and to funders,

Career management

  • Qualification is just the first step
  • Be strategic
  • Take responsibility for own PD: blogs, twitter, webinars, MOOCs, online universities are all free
  • THis is an international profession; connect, share, engage in conversations with librarisn from around the world
  • Work out why you are here; what is your personal philosphy of librarianship.
  • Mine: to make the world a better place, to change lives, ripple effect of positively having an impact on just 1 person
PS I also talked about most of this while in Mumbai at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

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