Monday, October 11, 2010

The power of a good Annual Report 09/10

I am delighted to present the 2009 - 2010 Annual Report for Horowhenua Library Trust.

This year, I wanted use the Annual Report to paint a picture in order to have a useful tool for the coming year. We are about to embark on fundraising the remaining $2m required for our new libraries. We are a Council controlled organisation and elected councillors have to choose how much of the rate-take will come to us in operational funding and also how much capital to invest in our new facilities. I have tried to make a number of points to help make that decision making easier:
  • we are a professional organisation not some 'bake sale committee',
  • we are a team of many - not a one pony show,
  • we think strategically about what we do and why,
  • we provide an extremely good return on investment,
  • we are truly a 'community' organisation
  • the 'book' loss in the financial accounts doesn't tell the whole story.
We have printed a small number of hard copies but have also produced an online version for the first time. The printer was able to supply us with a high grade pdf file which was easily and quickly loaded to issuu, an award-winning free online publishing platform. This means that we can spread our story far wider than our cheque book would have allowed through traditional print media.


Alison Wallbutton said...

Congratulations on your annual report and the online version is fabulous!

Joann Ransom said...

Thanks Alison - the staff are quite proud of it :)

Anonymous said...

I've blogged about it here :-)